
Showing posts from June, 2018

Too much in my head

This is where I exist: too much in my head.  I get so weighed down by my own thoughts I cannot function.  I want to share these worries and musings and fears but everything has to be filtered through other people's expectations of me and once that's done there's nothing left.  How does one crave authenticity and genuine connections and not go crazy in our current world of shallow, surface, immediate all in a shiny, perfectly curated veneer?  For the longest time I had, carefully and beautifully (at least I thought so) handwritten and displayed for my daily consumption the quote by Theodore Roosevelt "Comparison is the thief of joy." At least until my children broke the frame and stepped on the paper and ruined it as they seem to do with everything I like.  But even reading it daily was never enough for it to truly take hold.  I wanted so badly for the words to change me, to shield me from the hurt of comparing myself to everyone around me, but they couldn't. W